Judicial Murder in Texas

by Michael Sean Winters

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Humberto Leal Garcia was killed in Texas last night. He was put to death by the state of Texas. The Supreme Court, on a 5-4 vote refused to issue a stay and Gov. Rick Perry, thinking of running for the presidency, took no action to prevent the killing either.

Let us stipulate that Mr. Leal as guilty and a thoroughly horrible human being. Let us stipulate that the death penalty is a just form of punishment, even though I do not agree and the Church sets very, narrow restrictions on the procedure, restrictions that certainly were not met in this or the countless other incidences of judicial murder in Texas.

But, in addition to killing Mr. Leal, Texas killed America's word last night. The nation has pledged itself by solemn treaty to grant foreigners accused of crimes in the U.S. to receive the assistance of their embassy. Mr. Leal was not given this opportunity.

So, in addition to Mr. Leal, Texas last night killed your chance, dear reader, should you find yourself in a foreign prison, of invoking that treaty and not being laughed at.

What a world.

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