Key Election Websites

by Michael Sean Winters

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A reader asked me which websites are the best for gathering information about the midterms. I use several and here they are with brief reviews.

Cook Political Report: Lots of easy to access information in one spot, as well as a baseline analysis of every congressional district in the country. This is a subscription site.
FiveThirty-Eight:The New York Times did iteself a big favor when it scooped up superstar poll analyst Nate Silver.
Real Clear Politics: Usually has some of the most up-to-date polling data and an easy-to-use website.
For up-to-date news stories,you can't beat For example, this look at the levels of vulnerable House seats brings a great deal of clarity to understanding how the GOP could take over control of Congress this November. Ben Smith's blog at Politico not only has his own incisive reporting, but also has a great "Remainders" post at the end of the day with links to columns worth reading. If you are like me and you can't spend all day surfing the web, Ben Smith's blog is a great help in calling my attention to article I might otherwise miss.
Those are my favorite sites. What are yours?

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