A Kosher Analogy That Works

by Michael Sean Winters

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Archbishop William Lori famously testified that telling a Catholic businessman that he must provide contraception in his health insurance policy is a little like telling a kosher deli it must sell pork. The analogy failed because Jewish law does not prohibit the selling of pork to others, just the eating of it by Jews. But in a new column at RNS, Mark Silk explains that one of the reasons a kosher market is closing in West Hartford is because the Ultra-Orthodox did not believe the market was kosher enough and refused to patronize it. Silk goes on to explain that modern Judaism has seen a decline among what he terms the "Modern Orthodox" and an increase in the number of Ultras. Sound familiar? I if I could be granted one wish for the future of the Catholic Church, and one wish only, it would be for more thoughtful conservative voices within the Catholic Church, people who are faithful but who do not close their eyes. 

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