Is Liberalism That Bad?

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yes, liberalism is that bad, according to Mark Gordon in this provocative essay at Aleteia. I think he is spot on that Dignitatis Humanae is terribly misunderstood and misused, not least by the Fifth Floor at the USCCB. And, Gordon's argument tracks with the thought of David Schindler, although Schindler's critique is more specifically rooted in the Gospel and reaches beyond Gordon's critique in interesting ways. But, I have read just enough Isaiah Berlin to think that liberalism was on to something important and that the primary understanding of liberty, though not a sufficient understanding, is rooted in the desire to have external chains removed. What is clear is that these issues, so seemingly abstruse, underlie almost every discussion and debate within the Church, which makes it all the more horrible that they are so rarely confronted with the kind of vigor Gordon displays. Interesting stuff.

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