Links for 01/23/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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During the GOP primary contest, then-candidate Donald Trump called Sen. Marco Rubio "little Marco." Now, after principled questioning of Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, Rubio has decided to support Tillerson. I propose a new nickname: Backbone Rubio. 

The Washington Post's editorial board is no friend of the Catholic Church. But, at a time when they are complaining regularly about "fake news" why are the peddling in badly researched allegations that Pope Francis is backsliding on child protection? Did they bother to pick up the phone and call anyone about the accuracy of the charges? 

It didn't take long to find out which member of the clergy would be willing to play lapdog to President Trump: The Rev. Robert Sirico. The man who led the opposition to Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' and who has spent his career trying to turn Catholic social doctrine on its head is just thrilled by Trump. Why am I not surprised. 

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