Links for 01/27/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Some people invest their money to make more money. Others, to buy the kind of government they want. Politico has the story on the Koch Brothers' plan to spend $889 million on tyhe 2016 elections. I eagerly await the articles from my friends concerned about crony capitalism, condemning this brazen effort to abuse the right to free speech. The Koch Brothers are to campaign spending what Charlie Hebdo is to satire. 

In his homily this morning, the Holy Father spoke about obedience to the Lord's will. Plenty to think about for us all. 

I have written about the Africa Faith & Justice Network before. Here is their report on their Empowerment Project Workshop. And, if you have some spare change, notice their Donate button on the website - they do great work with very few resources and can always use the help. 

Many Americans were quick to post or tweet "Je suis Charlie." At RealClearPolitics, Peter Berkowitz calls attention to some free speech issues closer to home, on our U.S. college campuses.


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