Links for 02/07/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yesterday, America magazine published an essay by Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute defending capitalism. I was surprised they published it as it merely rehashes arguments he has made before. I will be addressing what I perceive as the shortfalls in his argument tomorrow. But, in the meantime, David Cloutier of Catholic University has beaten me to the punch, publishing a rebuttal to Brooks at Commonweal.  I associate myself with everything David has to say.

From the Archdiocese of Newark, Cardinal Joseph Tobin doubles down on the Christian obligation to protect the stranger and confronts those who warned him not to "meddle in politics." Splendid.

At Vox, Matthew Lee Anderson has penned a very thoughtful essay about why the pro-life community is so concerned about the fate of the unborn. Anderson is thoughtful and persuasive, and doesn't impugn the motives of those who disagree. This is the kind of argument that might convince people to re-examine their premises. Bravo. 

And, in the Washington Post, how some Nebraskans show what being an American is all about, welcoming Syrian refugees. 


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