Links for 02/10/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Over at Millennial, Robert Christian suggests themes for the pope's address to Congress. I would be delighted if the Holy Father focused on the "throwaway culture" and, with Christian, agree that the issue cuts against the grain of both parties, which is important for a prelate speaking in a political forum. But, me thinks the unifying theme of all of his talks will be the family. 

Cardinal Burke is trying to backpedal on his pledge to resist Pope Francis if there is any doctrinal change regarding communion for the divorced and remarried. Problem is that he frames the issues in such a way that almost any change is ruled out a priori, and I will venture the guess that there will be changes coming out of the synod, perhaps only in the pastoral practice (which +Burke has also ruled out), and perhaps developing doctrine too. 

In his morning homily, Pope Francis on the need for a certain restlessness in discipleship. 



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