Links for 02/17/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Remember that old ad for Almond Joy and Mounds - "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes, you don't"? Well, that more or less characterizes the attitude of politicians to executive orders. The GOP has had its panties in a knot since President Obama moved unilaterally on deportations, a move now threatened by a court order, but the new governor of Illinois is happy to use an executive order to turn his state into a right-to-work state, at least for public sector works. 

Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, Florida, like Pope Francis' sermon on Sunday as much as I did. 

And, today is the last day before Lent, so no more Alleluia and Gloria. Here are two of my all time favorites of each. 

Bach's Gloria, from Cantata BWV 191, also the b minor Mass:

And, nothing can beat Mozart's Exsultate with its third section Alleluia (this excerpt includes the second section also, and you can find the first section in the video roll on the right, all sung by the incomparable Kathleen Battle):

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