Links for 03/06/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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Apparently, the Washington Post doesn't put online the graphics that accompany Chris Cillizza's Monday morning edition of "The Fix." Cillizza lists the best things that happened to each of the two parties in the previous weeks, and then, to the right of those entries, lists important numbers that disclose an important political reality. The "best thing that happened to Republicans" this week was that Trump gave a "solid" speech to Congress, he notes. Then, the first significant number is 26, which is "the number of misleading or counterfactual claims Trump made in his speech to Congress." How is that solid? Watching the press overcompensate is distressing.

The Diocese of Tulsa says its Twitter account was hacked which resulted in someone linking to this obnoxious article by the always obnoxious Jeff Mirus at, in which Mirus suggests the cardinals ignored the Holy Spirit at the conclave that elected Pope Francis. And, the Diocese of Syracuse is not explaining what happened to its twitter feed, which posted some tweets praising Donald Trump over the weekend. This is all kinda weird.

Another beautiful piece of music that I had sung at a birthday Mass one year, Mendelssohn's "O rest in the Lord," here sung by the incomparable Dame Janet Baker:


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