Links for 03/07/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In The Leaven, his archdiocesan newspaper, Archbishop Joseph Naumann writes about the importance of considering the Supreme Court in voting this year. Interestingly, though, he also talks about a recent religious liberty at the state capitol. Funny, he did not mention any Muslim speakers. Maybe that is because in 2012 the Kansas legislature passed and the Governor signed a law banning sharia law in the state, without so much as a postcard of complaint from the Catholic bishops of the state. So, I suppose religious liberty is a good thing if you are opposing same sex marriage but not so much if you are a Muslim congregation applying your own religious tenets just as we RCs apply our canon law to our proceedings. +​Naumann is in the running for the prize for being the biggest ecclesial hypocrite on the issue of religious liberty to date.

On a happier note, Church leaders in Michigan appear to be doing their part to dismantle the architecture of the culture warrior Church, adopting a version of the "Levada solution" on the issue of benefits for same sex partners.  

Another reason to give Vice President Joe Biden an award: His HILARIOUS routine at this year's Gridiron dinner. The joke about Ted Cruz had me on the floor.

In Chicago, Archbishop Blase Cupich went to St. Sabina yesterday. Here is the video of his sermon.


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