Links for 03/07/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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Whoever handles the twitter feed for the Diocese of Syracue may have been tweeting put sweet nothings to President Trump this last weekend ("Please pray for wisdom and God's guidance for @POTUS as he implements his 'bold agenda' for America" the tweet read, although it has since been taken down) but the Bishop of Syracuse had some sharper words about the president's agenda as it relates to refugees. They should still find out who tweeted out the "bold agenda" nonsense and reprimand that person, but at least the bishop himself is not confused about where he needs to stand on the issue of refugees. 

Repealing and replacing Obamacare is turning into the GOP's worst nightmare. At Politico, four Republican senators have indicated they will not support legislation that rolls back the expansion of Medicaid, which is not going to pass muster with the amen chorus of conservatives so dominant in the House. Democrats need to sit back and let the Republicans have this shark fight on their own.

At Patheos, Fr. Dwight Longenecker explains, unintentionally, why bishops need to be more careful about accepting candidates for the priesthood.


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