Links for 03/11/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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From the Center for Migration Studies' journal, Don Kerwin looks at who benefits from DAPA and DACA, and how deeply embedded they already are in American society. These are the people the Republicans want to deport and, maybe, six or ten years later, let them in. 

In this morning's Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer on the richness of Jewish identity, and the problem with reducing that identity to being the child or grandchild of a survivor. This is a piece that should be read by everyone who cares about identity per se, but especially those of us who have a special affection for God's people Israel. 

I forgot to link to this yesterday. Also from the Washington Post, Judge Richard Posner, who is nobody's idea of a goofy leftie, on the politics of the judiciary and, although he does not put it this way, the limits of the Originalism and Textualism championed by the late Justice Antonin Scalia. 

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