Links for 03/17/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone - except those in the great state of Missouri charged with the administration of justice and who are about to execute a severely mentally disabled man. Tobias Winright, at, analyzes the injustice.

In Maryland, the relevant legislative committees are deciding whether or not to vote on Maryland Healthy Working Families Act and the Maryland Catholic Conference sent out an action alert, asking all RCs to contact their legislators, urging support for the measure. The bishops of the MCC issued a statement last year on the issue that can be found here.

Those of us who care about Catholic schools and who also resent the attacks on teachers in public schools and their unions often find ourselves in a bind. Here is more evidence of how the relationship continues to deteriorate between two groups of people who share a common concern for children. Blessing on anyone who takes the lead in forging a better relationship between Catholic school advocates and the teachers' unions.

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