Links for 03/28/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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From the Washington Post, Radovan Karadzic was convicted of genocide and other crimes for his role in the war in Bosnia. Justice was a long time coming, but it came. And, in the event, it did not crowd out mercy. Karadzic was not sentenced to death, which was the sentence he imposed on thousands of Bosnians. 

In the New York Times, Lin-Manuel Miranda, of "Hamilton" fame, brings a quote of his hero's to bear on the situation in Puerto Rico. I understand the fascination with Hamilton, although I am not much of a fan myself. But, all that is beside the point. Miranda is right to urge Congress to come to the help of the people of Puerto Rico who are suffering a humanitarian crisis of enormous proportions.

Mother Angelica has died. De mortuis nil nisi bonum.


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