Links for 04/14/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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More from the anti-Pope Francis brigade: Fr. Zuhlsdorf has found a nickname for Amoris Laetitia: He suggests Familiaris divortio. This is so disrespectful. Again, I pose the question: Can you imagine this kind of disrespect being leveled at Pope John Paul II? I took a class with the conservatives' theological demon, Fr. Charles Curran, and he was always very respectful in presenting other people's views, especially the views of Pope Paul VI on contraception with which Curran disagreed. He got fired anyway. So, the question: Why do conservatives who attack Pope Francis still hold jobs at seminaries, still get published in diocesan newspapers, and still get linked to as resources for families on diocesan websites? 

Competing interpretations of the decision by the religious organizations challenging the HHS contraception mandate to accept the proposed compromise: In the Washington Post, Michel McConnell explains why this is a victory for religious liberty and, at RNS, Mark Silk says McConnell et al. are blowing smoke.

Also at RNS, a report on Christian groups opposing pay day loans. 

Finally, for those concerned about the legislation regarding Puerto Rico, about which I wrote this morning, go to the website of Jubilee USA which has important analysis and also tells people how they can help guarantee that the fiscal crisis does not become an excuse to curtail essential social services. 


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