Links for 04/16/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Fascinating profile of Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation in this morning's Washington Post. I am one of the skeptics, in large part because I listened to the audio of a presentation Mr. Anderson gave last night at the Catholic Information Center. Parts of his talk were pure fear-mongering. Read the piece and listen to the talk and judge for yourselves. Mr. Anderson seems to me to be one of a long line of conservative ideologues who think the sky is falling, the "prophets of doom" Saint Pope John XXIII warned us against. 

On a happier note, the Diocese of San Diego has posted the video of Bishop McElroy's installation and the text of his homily. One of his confreres sent me a note today that he thought +MCElroy's sermon was one of the great sermons in the history of the Church in the U.S. I won't disagree. 

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