Links for 04/27/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Peter Smith looks at the role of religion in Pennsylvania's GOP primary. This is a smart piece with one obvious mistake: Jerry Falwell Jr. is not a Reverend; His brother Jonathan is. 

At RNS, Mark Silk asks if Trump is posturing on social issues, or is really more tolerant than the GOP platform has been in the past. I am not sure taht is the right question. As noted this morning, I think it is key to know if Trump can break with GOP orthodoxy on social issues and trade and NATO and God knows what else next week? 

Jack Shafer is always bracing. This article at Politico about the Veepstakes reporting is no exception, but I think he gets it wrong: This year it really is interesting to think, not so much about whom Trump will choose, but who will allow themselves to be chosen? 


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