Links for 05/01/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Today is the Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker. Radio Vaticana has a report on Pope Francis' comments about St. Joseph and the dignity of work. I hope that those churchmen who look the other way when their Republican friends try and push through right-to-work laws will consider the Holy Father's comments and stop looking the other way. The Church's teaching on work and workers is rich and unambiguous. The Church supports workers and their rights, including the right ot organize and bargain collectively. It is an instance of solidarity. Right-to-work laws simply validate selfishness over solidarity and should be denounced as such. 

Also at Radio Vaticana, the text of Cardinal Peter Turkson's talk at the Climate Change summit at the Vatican this week. It should be obvious to those who wish to diminish the significance of the pope's forthcoming encyclical, that the Catholic Church is not thinking with the mind of radical environmentalists, but is thinking with the mind of the Church. 

Speaking of that conference, over at Commonweal, Tony Annett has an article about the proceedings. 

Just when you think today's GOP can't get any crazier, a congressman blames the riots on Baltimore on same sex marriage. Politico has the story. 

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