Links for 05/11/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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First, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to NCR's webathon. I especially hope the regular commentators made healthy contributions. 

George Will is not happy about some of the things former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has said over the years about the role of religion in public life, still less Huckabee's understanding of the separation of powers.  

At Millennial, Vincent Gragnani asks that we stop calling Archbishop Cordileone's additions to the faculty handbook "morality clauses." Gragnani hits the nail one the head: If these additions are the essence of the Christian moral vision, we can toss out the Gospels. 

At the blog Political Theology Today, Julie Hanlon Rubio writes about the polarization conference at Notre Dame. I agree with everything she says and thought this was the money quote: 

Like the culture war, ecclesial polarization is more pronounced among those who are most invested: academics, students of theology, journalists, and those who work for the church. It may be less central in communities of color. Though it is not wrong to say it endures, it is not the dominant reality for all Catholics. It may be counterproductive to keep attending to it.

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