Links for 05/19/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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At Politico, the hard facts of demography do not portend well for the GOP. 

At Catholic San Francisco, Fr. Robert Carbonneau on the links between China and SF's Tenderloin. Fr. Carbonneau has a series - you can follow the links - on the Chinese influences on the Church in San Francisco. Interesting stuff.

Cardinal Sean O'Malley's blog always relates the activities of his week. It is a welcome oasis of calm, pastoral reflections in a sea of controversy. But, check out this week's entry for the pictures of him with a weed whacker. Perhaps he can bring one to the next meeting of the C-9 to give to Pope Francis to see if they work on recalcitrant curial officials! 

And, Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich delivered a stellar commencement address yesterday at Boston College. Not too heavy, which is the fault of too many such addresses, but some strong points and some charming stories. 

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