Links for 05/19/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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In the Hartford Courant, an article about parish closings and what is in reality a dying local church. 

At RNS, Mark Silk comments on Tom Roberts' reporting on the finances at the Knights of Columbus. He is right that Mr. Anderson's compensation is more properly compared with that of a CEO at Catholic Charities or Catholic Relief Services, than with a CEO at a secular organization.

Politico looks at the upcoming meeting between Pope Francis and President Trump. I think Josh McElwee's and my curtain raisers were better!

I found this the other day when looking for the recording of Leonard Bernstein leading the Berlin Philharmonic when the Berlin Wall fell. It is a recording of Bernstein introducing a 7 year old Yo-Yo Ma to an audience that includes President Kennedy! I saved it to give you all something wonderful to start the weekend: 


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