Links for 05/26/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Gone, but not forgotten, the inimitable Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz tells women they should not participate in yoga. I wonder if his admonition applies to an archbishop I know who does an hour of yoga every morning for his bad back!

At US Catholic, Dan DiLeo pens a primer on papal teaching authority and encyclicals, in advance of the upcoming encyclical on the environment. I think we can all agree it will be fun to witness NCR as the voice of ultramontanism next month when the encyclical drops! 

Okay, so Politico is new to religion news reporting, so we can overlook the two mistakes in the first paragraph of this article about Pope Francis giving Republicans agita. (The pope did not do anything regarding Palestine that his predecessors had not done and we have no idea what the pope will chose to speak about when he addresses Congress in September.) Still, it is fun to watch Republicans squirm. I like the guy from Iowa who has the honesty to admit he is a Republican first and a Catholic second. But the winning quote goes to Steve Moore of Heritage:

“If I were Jeb Bush, I would say, ‘Look, I don’t think we need to have governmental action to solve this problem. This is a problem, and individuals can make their own decisions to reduce their carbon footprints,’” said conservative Catholic economist Stephen Moore, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation and critic of Francis’ views on climate change and capitalism.

So, Mr. Moore, how is that different from what we have today? Alas, the libertarian impulse has nothing, absolutely nothing, to say about climate change. 

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