Links for 06/07/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At Politico, a report on Donald Trump's instructions to his surrogates to claim the media attacks on him are "racist." I watched several such surrogates do their best last night, but they got all twisted around, as you can imagine. Sorry Donald, but the fact that Judge Curiel belongs to a Latino lawyers organization is no more evidence of his intrinsic bias than membership in the Hibernian Society is a sign that the Irish are hopelessly incapable of disinterested assessment. 

Speaking of Judge Gonzalo Curiel, you read it here first (although a good friend first suggested the idea): If Obama ends up withdrawing the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, Judge Curiel would make a fine replacement! No link because no one has suggested it previously. The idea did recall one of my prouder moments as a blogger: Back in 2009, when President Obama had his first vacancy on the high court, I suggested in my blog that he, if not remedy, at least ameliorate a cosmic injustice and name Al Gore to the high court. My suggestion got picked up by The New Yorker

Are you a Democrat with something to say? Go to this link and you can submit a suggestion to the platform committee. I just did.


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