Links for 06/08/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At the, Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez of San Juan, Puerto Rico calls on Congress to pass the PROMESA legislation to stem the fiscal and humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico, even while he recognizes that the crisis invites an examination of the island's status issue.   Archbishop Gonzalez has been a champion of Puerto Rican nationhood, and if he recognizes that the island must hold its nose and accept a fiscal control board because the consequences of failing to do anything would be worse, you can bet that there really is no alternative. 

On the other hand, this press release from a group called Main Street Bondholders tries to slime Republican Congressmen Rob Bishop of Utah and Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, both of whom have worked closely with Democrats to fashion legislation that addresses the real fiscal problems without further harming those on the island who are already desperately poor. Como se dice "shill" en espanol?  

Our friends at the Hope Border Foundation issued this press release about the anticipated surge in deportations by the Obama administration. At a time when Latinos are understandably freaked out because of Trump, why is the Obama administration sending refugees back to the violence of Central America? The press release includes statements from Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces and Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, both of whom share the foundation's concerns. These poor, desperate people are being treated shamefully in the interest of politics, and I do not even see how it is good politics. 

Former Congressman Ron Paul reveals that he has lost all touch with reality by proclaiming the U.S. is not really a democracy. Huh? Maybe he could debate Andrew Sullivan who has been arguing America suffers from too much democracy? Politico has the story. 




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