Links for 06/10/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In this morning's Washington Post, the honorable Michael Gerson continues to be the voice of conscience for the GOP, reminding them that they can be the party of Lincoln and they can be the party of Trump but they can't be both at the same time. Gerson makes the point I made earlier this week about those Republicans who are expressing their disappointment with Trump's comments about Judge Curiel: Why now? Why is this different from all the racism that went before? 

At RNS, Mark Silk rightly takes on Dennis Prager for trafficking in one of the ugliest and oldest anti-Semitic tropes. 

The House of Representatives yesterday passed PROMESA, the bill that will allow Puerto Rico to restructure its debt. Not sure if you watched the debate, but a lot of Republicans were sounding like they belonged to Occupy Wall Street. Politico has the story.  The bill would not have passed with out the hard work of Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez, Eric LeCompte and his team at JubileeUSA, and Archbishop Thomas Wenski and his staff at the USCCB. Kudos to all. The new bill still has to clear the Senate, and Puerto Rico has some tough sailing ahead, but at least the prospect now exists that they will not continue to lose water. 

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