Links for 06/13/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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In the Washington Post, Gene Robinson looks at Gov. Sam Brownback's experiment in Kansas and concludes "trickle down economics doesn't work." Of course, it has never worked, but ideologues do not care about results so much as they do about the purity of their ideas. 

At America, Nathan Schneider has a really fine essay on the dark side of philanthropy. The money quote: 

We like to think that the selling of indulgences was an error of the past, yet the practice has passed into secular forms, and there are few Martin Luthers complaining of it. What goes by the name of philanthropy—literally, the love of people—and what the tax code regards as giving can rival the cynicism of the feudal indulgence business.

I heard some buzz about President Trump's first Cabinet meeting but did not pay it any heed. Then a friend said I needed to and sent me this clip of "Morning Joe" discussing it. Oh-My-God. How anyone can look at that and not be disgusted is beyond me. 


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