Links for 06/24/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yesterday, I wrote about an article in Think Progress and said it was published by the Center for American Progress. This was a mistake. It is actually published by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the (c)4 that is related to CAP but is a distinct entity. I regret the error.

In this morning's NYTimes, a look at the same polling data Tom Roberts reported on yesterday, but at the Times, they focus on how Trump's anti-immigrant stance may hurt him among Independents, which is a cohort he must win and win big if he hopes to have any chance at reaching 270 and 1600.

In the Washington Post, Dana Milbank shares my concern that Dems not get "too cocky" about defeating Trump.

From the "too little, too late" file, Bishop Eusebio Elizondo calls yesterday's Supreme Court decision a "disappointment." A paper statement does not replace either an amicus brief or a press conference. The bishops just won't anger their Republican friends. It is appalling. First, they nearly empty the Church by covering up for pedophiles. Now, because they are so worried about paying for contraception, they throw in with the Republican Party which wants to deport the only part of the Church that is growing. If you did not know any better, you would think the bishops, as a body, are determined to destroy the Church. 

The great Sarah Connolly, in happier times, sings the great hymn of British Protestant imperialism "Rule Brittania." It is okay to love the music without loving the ideology:



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