Links for 06/26/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Lots going on today. I will wait to post on the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage until we see some responses from USCCB et al. 

At La Stampa's Vatican Insider, Andrea Tornielli looks at the Acton Institute's objections to Laudato Si' - I do not know how many Vatican officials read Distinctly Catholic, but everyone reads La Stampa!

​In the Miami Herald, Archbishop Thomas Wenski hopes that Bush and Rubio will engage Laudato Si'. I hope so too. +Wenski also sent a letter to Congress encouraging members to take the Holy Father's call to care for our common home seriously. The good archbishop is on a roll - and he should be! Not only does he chair the relevant committee of USCCB, but his entire archdiocese is just above sea level!

Speaking of being on a roll, our friends at have posted another article on Laudato Si' every day since its release - and I am told this will go on for another week or so. Some of the nation's finest up-and-coming theologians post at CMT and they are doing the Church proud. 

One of those young theologians, Charlie Camosy of Fordham, also has a post up at WaPo's "On Faith," that is a must-read. The political left, with its knee jerk support for abortion rights, needs to grapple with the Holy Father's indictment of a "throwaway culture" and what that might mean for the way we routinely, almost systematically, treat unborn children with Down's Syndrome. 

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