Links for 06/27/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Just when you think Republicans are solely responsible for the stinking mess we call Washington, along comes a slimy Democrat to remind us that carrying water for the hedge funds is a bipartisan sport. Sen. Bob Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, is demanding amendments to the PROMESA legislation to aid Puerto Rico, even though such amendments could kill the bill. He is repeating the hedge fund talking point that the deadline on July 1, when a large debt payment is due, is not really a deadline, even though we all know it is. Politico has the story.   

As I mentioned this morning, some priests think that any words of kindness or affirmation spoken gay and lesbian Catholics are heretical and civilization destroying. One such, Fr. Mark Pilon, of the Diocese of Arlington, gave vent to his hatreds at the Catholic World Report, calling for the resignation of Bishop Robert Lynch. Will Fr. Pilon now call for the Holy Father to resign? Bishop Loverde: Call your office!

And, as also noted this morning, some of our conservative friends were livid with the pope because of his comments about the number of marriages that are invalid, before he added insult to injury by saying the Church should apologize to the gay community for marginalizing them. In this file, we have an article at the National Catholic Register by Msgr. Charles Pope, of the Archdiocese of Washington, urging the pope to stop speaking off-the-cuff. I suggest that the monsignor send the pope his cell phone number so he can call him before his next speaking engagement and make sure he won't say anything that wold confuse poor monsignor. Cardinal Wuerl: Call your office!

To all the pope's critics, I wish to remind them that this can be sung when the pope enters the room, not when you do:



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