Links for 07/01/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Tim Strangleman, at the Working Class Perspectives blog, on the Brexit vote and how the elites misjudged the concerns real people have. This post should be required reading for all Democrats and, indeed, this blog, sponsored by Georgetown's Kalmanovitz Center gets my vote for the best blog based in an academic institute. 

At, Alessandro Rovati offers some reflections on Amoris Laetitia now that the media circus has died down. I think the phrase "from lament to witness" perfectly describes the difference between Francis and some of the culture warriors and even some non-culture warriors who, nonetheless, tend to see nothing but gloom in the world and choose to withdraw rather than engage. Splendid commentary.

Speaking of media circuses, I am sure that the new book Peter Seewald has done with Pope Emeritus Benedict will have all three rings going with its discussion of the "gay lobby" in the Vatican. But, this article in Reuters contains very, very disturbing news, that Benedict has kept a diary and he intends to destroy it. On behalf of historians everywhere, please do NOT do that, Papa Raztinger! Leave it to someone who is pledged not to release its contents for 100 years, when all those discussed will have gone to God. But, please, do not destroy it. 

Yesterday, and in the nick of time, President Obama signed the legislation that will help Puerto Rico restructure its debt. Last week, was the feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist, the principal feast day of the island. So, a fitting tribute to both events is this singing of La Borinquena:

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