Links for 07/06/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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Reuters reports on President Trump's speech in Warsaw today, in which he focused on the "will of the West." This was a Steve Bannon-style speech so maybe we can expect an updated version of "Triumph des Willens" sometime soon. Yikes, this guy is even scarier when he is abroad than when he is at the White House.

While beginning his trip, the president also asserted that "nobody knows" if Russia interfered in our elections last year. I am betting Bob Mueller knows and I am guessing that so long as Trump stays in willful and public denial about Russian involvement, his credibility will continue to decline. 

A further loss of credibility would not be good for religious Americans if blowhard Bill Donohue of the Catholic League is to be believed. Here is his take on the latest Pew numbers which are a little more complicated than Donohue suggests.Donohue is part of the religious-political industrial complex that passes for the conservative base these days. Donohue pays himself almost half a million dollars to put out this nonsense. Why do any of the bishops allow themselves to be associated with him? 

Seven years ago last month, Bishop Thomas Paprocki was installed as the bishop of Springfield, Illinois. Here is the text of the sermon he preached at vespers the night before. It explains a lot: Cody in his dreams????? 

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