Links for 07/24/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Cardinal William Baum has gone to God. Eternal Rest grant unto him, O Lord.  Here is a link to Cardinal Donald Wuerl's statement. With Cardinal Baum's death, Pope Emeritus Benedict is now the only person left who was made a cardinal by blessed Pope Paul VI, and the only cardinal-elector left who participated in the 1978 conclave that elected Pope John Paul II. One other person participated in that conclave though: Cardinal Wuerl himself who was the priest secretary to Cardinal John Wright, who was blind and in ill health, necessitating his secretary's assistance. 

Father Zuhlsdorf can scarcely contain his glee at the new Gallup poll which shows that Pope Francis' popularity has declined. Funny. I thought conservatives did not consider polling data when assessing ecclesiastical matters. 

Rod Dreher, at The American Conservative, shares "An American Creed." Scary and spot-on, including Dreher's comment on it.


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