Links for 07/24/17

by Michael Sean Winters

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From the Wall Street Journal, the ultimate shell game: Senate Republicans plan to vote on a health care overhaul bill as early as tomorrow, but they are not sure which bill they will be voting on. The Gang that couldn't shoot straight gives way to the gang that isn't sure where the gun is in the first place.

At Politico's podcast, Elizabeth Drew says it is wrong to compare Trump to Nixon because the comparison isn't Nixon.

In the Washington Post, Mahmoud Abbas promises to freeze contacts with Israel until metal detectors are removed from the Temple Mount. Why? Because the detectors, installed after a terrorist killed two Israeli soldiers at the site, alter "the status quo." Abbas grows less serious as he grows less able to influence events. It is pitiable.

Also in the Post, Gary Abernathy on why voters in Trump country do not care so much about the Russia stories. I suspect he is right, but it points to the decline in our nation's moral seriousness that in one paragraph he cites the fact that his small town newspaper covers how they honor World War II veterans and, in the next, that the potential of collusion with Russia doesn't matter. What do you think those World War II veterans were fighting for? To make the world safe for Putin? 

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