Links for 07/28/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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The consultant advising on security and logistics for the papal visit in Philadelphia sure sounds like an unpleasant person in this story at He seems to think that Camden is a parking lot.  (h/t to Rocco)

At Talking Points Memo, John Gehring analyzes on what effect Pope Francis might have on the 2016 election. I am less optimistic than Gehring on the effect the pope might have. The right wing opposition to the pope is loud, organized, well-financed and, if the Gallup poll is to be believed, it is increasingly effective. I would add that some of my friends on the Left seem not to have gotten the message: We need to support this pope! 

Here is the video of last week's press conference with Archbishop Blase Cupich and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy at which they announced the archdiocese was enrolling in EPA's EnergyStar program that helps organizations measure and reduce their energy usage, helping the environment and saving money for the good works of the Church. 


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