Links for 07/28/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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From the Democrats for Life event at the convention, this video highlights some pro-life Democratic leaders. Gov. John Bel Edwards of Louisiana is a rockstar. The Democratic party's leaders need to listen to him and then ask themselves why the party does not hold the governorships in other southern states. This is not rocket science. Glad to see such a large room full too! We are not alone!

At Vox, Ezra Klein invites us to remind ourselves that Trump is not just the nominee of a party with which we disagree. He is crazy. We have to constantly find a way to make this point and keep this bad man from acquiring even a hint of legitimacy. 

At WaPo, Vice President Joe Biden admits that the Dems have stopped talking to white working class voters. This is a function of DC interest groups. It doesn't have to be this way. And, the Dems will never win back the House until it is no longer this way.  

Pope Francis at the window of the archiepsicopal palace in Krakow. Given the opposition he has received from some in the Polish hierarchy, it is good to see the enthusiasm of the crowds and to remind the zelanti that Pope John Paul II made Bergoglio a cardinal. 


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