Links for 08/03/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Good news from Kansas: Tea Party incumbent Cong. Tom Huelskamp lost his Republican primary yesterday to a moderate. Additionally, sixteen "Brownback" members of the state legislature were also defeated in their primaries, losing to more moderate Republicans. A sane, moderate Republican is a priceless commodity these days. Let's hope we can find them in places other than Kansas. 

Throughout the primaries, I would watch Katrina Piersen serve as spokesperson for Donald Trump's campaign and think to myself: Not ready for prime time. Yesterday, Ms. Piersen blamed President Obama for the death of Army Capt. Humayun Khan in 2004. Of course, at the time, Obama not only opposed the war in Iraq, he was a state senator in Illinois. Now, she has walked it back. Glad Trump is there to clear up such matters because, as he assures us, he knows more than the generals about such matters. 

At WaPo, Jennifer Rubin on how the Democrats are winning back Catholics. I hope these Catholics exact a price for their allegiance: Do not be a cheap date fellow Catholics! Insist on immigration reform and that a Clinton administration not poke its finger in the eye of the Church, e.g., tell NARAL to go pound sand on the Hyde Amendment. And, Clinton could be brave if elected and seek to forge a consensus on religious freedom exemptions from generally applicable laws that everyone can live with, e.g., no discrimination allowed in the public square, but also a true pluralism with no unnecessarily coerced consciences either.

Here is a feel good video of a man rescuing a puppy before it drowns in the waters off Kent. Of course, it was in these same tidal waters that a sea captain carrying recently expelled Jews from England, by order of King Edward I, convinced the Jews to stretch their legs on a sand bar, then left them to drown. 

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