Links for 08/10/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At Politico, a report on how Democrats are fighting complacency in the face of encouraging poll numbers. This is a big concern per se. But, Dems should also fear the Harvey Gantt phenomenon, the fact that Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt would routinely be polling neck and neck with Sen. Jesse Helms in their two senate elections, only to see Helms win by seven or eight points at the polls. The reason? People did not want to tell a pollster they were not voting for Gantt, who was black, but they weren't voting for Gantt. 

Also at Politico, a report on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's tweet about Trump yesterday: He can't stand "losing to a girl" God, I love Sen. Warren! And, I will bet this is the kind of taunt that really gets under Trump's skin. 

Our friends at Public Religion Research Institute look at the attitudes of Tar Heels on LGBT issues. Even in a conservative state, home to Billy Graham, people do not like discrimination. I hope the folks at the USCCB are reading this and realizing they need to find a different vehicle for religious liberty legislation than anti-LGBT laws.

In case the antics of the "Bernie or Bust" crowd were not enough to convince you that, yes, we have our crazies on the left too, Huff Post has a report on the recent Green Party convention. Sad but hilarious in its way.   

Finally, on this the Feast of San Lorenzo, an oldie but goodie and well worth while taking an hour to watch. The late, great Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete and Cardinal Sean O'Malley at Lorenzo's last NY Encounter:


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