Links for 08/26/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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At, a great story about the prison inmates who carved the chair Pope Francis will use at the Mass on the Ben Franklin Parkway. 

At America, Charles Camosy responds to the outrageously inhumane NYTimes editorial on the abortion of children with Down Syndrome. People who think Planned Parenthood has left behind its eugencist roots should take note. 

At Mosaic, Peter  Berkowitz on the rise of the faith known as secularism. Not sure I entirely buy his argument - yes, progressives have come to value equality as a primordial value, alongside freedom, and because the governmental system set up by the Founders was clearly designed to value individual freedom more than equality, the resulting progressive urge is sometimes unfortunate in its consequences. And, yes, the intellectuals played a negative role. But, maybe the problem is that our Constitutional system has a problem at its root, that it did not consider the need for any polity to define and promote the common good. 

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