Links for 08/31/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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From the file "More Catholic than the Pope," the inappropriately named Cardinal Newman Society objects to a sex education program released by the Vatican's Pontifical Council on the Family. The press release reads like a story in "the Onion" designed to poke fun at prudes. 

At RNS, Mark Silk throws some serious shade at Ashley McGuire, who runs a group called "The Catholic Association." I had missed her article and it is actually worse than Silk suggests. After claiming that only weekly Mass attending Catholics are "the group of 'Catholic voters' who actually help determine election outcomes" she claims that this group is trending Republican and " in 2012 Mitt Romney received 57% percent of their support compared to just 42% for President Obama." You will see the problem. If this is the group that decides elections, why did they not back Obama in 2012. Newsflash: Mitt Romney is not the President. I had not heard of this Catholic Association but I will be keeping an eye on them. Carrying water for the GOP is one thing, but doing so in such a ridiculous fashion is another.  

In light of my post this morning, I thought it wise to share a recording of "I vow to thee, my country," the hymn set to the tune Thaxted with words by Cecil Spring-Rice, recorded at the Festival of Remembrance at Royal Albert Hall:


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