Links for 09/04/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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At RNS, Mark Silk looks at the limits of religious liberty in light of the case of Kim Davis. I would go further. Ms. Davis seems not to understand that she is exemplifying the thing she claims to be fighting, government intrusion into people's religious beliefs. She is, after all, in this mess because she is a government official. 

At Politico, Marco Rubio's opposition to any help for debt-stricken Puerto Rico. Translation: In an effort to secure the nomination, he just gave up any chance of winning Florida's electoral college votes in the general. Just foolish.  

At Commonweal, an educational video on Laudato Si'. People are trying to assess the impact of the encyclical, but what is the point of reference? Were there any educational videos for Caritas in Veritate? 

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