Links for 09/06/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In this morning's Washington Post, a profile of a French imam, Tareq Oubrou, in Bordeaux, and his vision for a French expression of Islam. This is the only solution to the challenge posed by radicalized Islamicists and I would like to point out that the first place the general public could encounter the argument was right here at NCR, from the pen of Antoine de Tarle. 

Also at the Post, James Hohlmann on the white Catholic vote, and why Trump is struggling with them. I hope Team Hillary is reading these articles and rethinking their pledge to overturn the Hyde Amendment. It may not be an issue that tips the balance for most voters, but there is a sizable slice of the electorate for whom it does matter, and there is no one on the pro-choice side who is going to back Trump instead of Hillary because she distances herself from the Democratic platform on the issue. This is deeper than Hyde, to be sure but if the Democrats want to realign the electorate, they need to be less aggressively pro-abortion and more big tent about us pro-lifers. 

At Politico, the problem with Clinton's strategy of demonizing Trump: If you call him "crazy" and "unfit," you are setting the bar so low that if he shows up at the debates and doesn't drool, people think he had a good night. Last night, CNN had extensive biographical sketches of both candidates and the contrast is so obvious and so much in Clinton's favor. But, she is a terrible candidate. 

Buy Your Priest a Beer Day is coming. Who knew?



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