Links for 09/08/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At the Washington Post, Mark Rozell on the emerging split between conservative Catholics and conservative white evangelicals and the issue of Donald Trump. Is this the Pope Francis effect? Has the work of many of us on the Catholic Left been more effective than we had previously thought? I suspect the most likely explanation is that enough white Catholics go to Mass with enough Latino Catholics that they resent the brutish and xenophobic manner in which Trump has spoken about them. 

At the Australian Broadcasting Company's Religion & Ethics page, Tracey Rowland on the many miracles of Mother Teresa and her sisters. 

At Religion Digital, an ordinary is removed from his see and sent to be an auxiliary elsewhere. Apparently, the bishop in question had an inappropriate relationship with his secretary. I like this remedy, although it is very rare. You can't let him stay because the press has gotten hold of the story but you also do not simply cut him loose or fire him. You send him where he can receive guidance. I hope some arrangements were made to assist the woman involved. Who am I to judge? 


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