Links for 09/14/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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Pope Francis led a memorial Mass for Fr. Jacques Hamel, the priest of the Archdiocese of Rouen, who was killed by an ISIS inspired terrorist while celebrating Mass. The Holy Father said that killing in the name of God is "satanic." Vatican Radio has the story.  

Also at Vatican Radio, the text of a speech by Cardinal Peter Turkson in which the cardinal articulates Pope Francis' vision that the problem is our "liquid economy," the hyper-​financialized economy that values profits above all else, and that the remedy is a "social market economy" that remembers the purpose of all economic activity is the betterment of the human person, not the realization of some inhumane economic "laws." I wonder what our friends at the Acton Institute and the Napa Insttitue make of this?

When is "deplorable" the exact, right word? When you are talking about Ann Coulter

The NCAA raises the stakes for those who oppose LGBT rights, pulling events from North Carolina in response to that state's transgender law. I fear our culture will be unable to find the right approach to this issue, protecting the very vulnerable people who are transgender but also not confusing typical, adolescent gender experimentation with transgenderism in ways that add to the confusion. One thing is clear: Perceived prejudice against the LGBT community is no longer acceptable in our culture and that is a good thing and the sooner all religious leaders recognize that, the better. It doesn't mean anyone has to change their theology. It does mean that the common good requires that LGBT Americans be treated just like everybody else in the public square. 

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