Links for 09/28/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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The commentary on Pope Francis' visit to the U.S. ranges from the good to the bad to the ugly.

My colleague Tom Roberts appeared on C-Span to discuss Pope Francis' address to Congress.

At Bloomberg News, Melinda Henneberger on why conservatives should embrace the pope's highlighting of radical Dorothy Day. 

At Vatican Insider, an interview with George Weigel who seems to think the U.S. Church is right where the pope wants it to be. This interview, like Weigel's commentary for NBC all week, is pretty sad. 

At Daily Theology, Kevin Ahern on why Weigel is wrong, calling attention to the prominent place given to the 1% at St. Patrick's Cathedral. 

At Salon, Sophia Tesfaye on Ann Coulter's meltdown: "This is why our founders distrusted Catholics." 

But, the prize for most tendentious rendering of the pope's visit unsurprisingly goes to our friends at the Acton Institute, who not only hear only what they want to hear, but also hear things that are not even there!


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