Links for 10/05/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At the Christian Post, Eric Sapp makes a really lousy case that Hillary Clinton is the better candidate for pro-life voters. Of course, a concern for poverty is a large part of any effective pro-life strategy. And, yes, you can't really trust Donald Trump on any issue, let alone this one. But, Clinton supported the Democratic Party's decision to amend it platform to advocate the abolition of the Hyde Amendment which prevents federal funding of elective abortions, something the party has never done before. I think it is fine to point out the holes in the GOP's pro-life claims, but placing that mantle on Clinton is absurd. 

Two upcoming events for those interested in human rights and Korea (an issue neither VP candidate did very well with last night): Next Thus, Oct. 13, the John Oh Memorial Lecture will be given by Katharine Moon on the topic "Defectors, Immigrants, and Democracy in Korea." More information here. And, on October 27, an all day conference entitled "The Evolution of North Korean Human Rights Discourse and Activism: Domestic and Transnational Dimensions." More information here. One of the often unmentioned prices we pay for the silliness of our elections is that getting attention on important issues like what to do about North Korea get lost because everyone is too busy discussing Miss Universe. 

At the Washington Post, a report on Voto Latino and their success at registering 100,000 Latino voters. That number seems small to me, especially the 10,565 in Florida. Estimates of the exodus from Puerto Rico to Central Florida hover around the 300,000 range in the past five or six years, and they are all citizens already, so you just have to get them the forms. 

At his blog at the archdiocesan website, Cardinal Donald Wuerl on the human dignity of all, especially the aged and the ill, as we stare down an attempt to pass physician assisted suicide here in the District. This issue is very dear to my heart and just this past weekend, I had coffee with a wonderful nurse from the St. Joseph Living Center in Windham, Connecticut where my mother spent the last six months of her life, unable to speak or eat, but cared for and surrounded by love. As the cardinal states, those who promote this pernicious effort are exploiting people's worse fears. We should all pray and, in our own jurisdictions, organize to defeat these laws.

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