Links for 10/13/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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Good news from Africa: The Africa Faith & Justice Network met with Upper Volta's Paramount Queen Mothers Association to discuss how to avoid land grabs by multinational corporations, and the women tribal leaders are already moving their communities away from these pernicious neo-colonial schemes to defraud the people of their land. AFJN does such important work on issues like this which are below the radar screen but have enormous, long-term implications for development on the continent. 

At RealClearPolitics, Peter Berkowitz surveys the nightmare of a Mideast policy the Obama administration has managed to create. 

The Holy See revoked the press credentials of a priest who decided to tangle with an archbishop. LifeSiteNews is appalled. I am delighted. These advocacy groups are not press outfits. The priest in question argues that he is the object of Gestapo-like tactics, an analogy that worked about as convincingly as Dr. Ben Carson's analogy about Jews in Germany having a better shot at resisting if they had only had handguns.

And, it seems like I hit a nerve yesterday noting that some of the synod fathers are so insistent on punishing those whose lives have been marked by tragedy, I am betting that when they went to see "Les Miserables" they cheered for Javert. So, henceforth, I propose that we call the two main groupings of synod fathers "Team Valjean" and "Team Javert." Here is another video clip of one of Javert's great songs in which he sings, "On so it is written on the doorways to paradise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price!" Sounds like the position of those who refuse to even consider any provision for the divorced and remarried, yes?


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