Links for 10/21/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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A very, very important explication of the discussion of conscience at the synod can be found at Co-authored by Jana Bennett and David Cloutier, they examine conscience and the related issue of practical versus theoretical knowledge. And, they work in one of my favorite of John Henry Newman's quotes: "We walk to heaven backwards." Newman is here describing what the zelanti sneer at, the law of gradualism. 

At USAToday, Charles Camosy makes the case that the vulnerable will be the ones harmed by assisted suicide laws. This point cannot be made often enough: The upper middle class, wonky, well educated folks who are pushing this agenda will not be paying the price for it. He also points the finger at the libertarianism of the left on this issue, which is right where it belongs.

Another great blog post from Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane. Is it any wonder that a man this accessible and straight-forward has become one of the darlings of the synod? He is an Aussie version of Papa Bergoglio.


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