Links for 10/21/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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In the Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer reminds of what was really disturbing about the Wikileaks emails: Clinton is not entirely sure why she is running to be president according to her closest aides. 

And, on the other side of the same page, Michael Gerson reminds us why Trump must be stopped and, even once stopped, the country's political leaders have their work cut out for them. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. 

At RNS, Mark Silk analyzes polls that show weekly church attendees fleeing Trump but sticking with congressional Republicans. 

This is a test of the Emergency Moral Network. Hillary Clinton is running a powerful new ad that features Khzir Khan, the star of the Democratic convention who spoke about his Marine son's death in Iraq. Khan is a Muslim with a strong accent. If Clinton runs this ad and it helps her in the polls, we should feel better about the country than we will if the opposite effect on the polls is registered.  

And, my last link to one of the music selections we had at my father's funeral. (We did not have Lenny Bernstein conducting, obviously.) Mozart's Ave Verum:


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