Links for 10/28/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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A colleague suggested to me that I might have been wrong about Raymond Arroyo auditioning for a job at Fox in my post this morning. Maybe he was auditioning for a job at Trump TV! Also, in looking at the trailer again, I realized that at one point, it features a photo of Fr. Michael Pfleger, the late Msgr. Jack Egan, and the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. The photo montage is set against an audio of dark music and between images of small children and wolves. Nice. Check it out. If the USCCB, which Cardinal Bernardin led as both General Secretary and as President does not complain publicly about this, shame on them.

At Commonweal, John Gehring interviews Fr. John Jenkins, CSC, President of the University of Notre Dame. Among other things, Fr. Jenkins expresses the thought that Archbishop Chaput's talk at Notre Dame last week was "baffling," which is generous to a fault, or at least to the point of being a white lie. Fr. Jenkins is a gentleman, and gentlemen are permitted white lies. 

At the reliably objectionable Crisis magazine, Austen Ruse proposes that after the election, all Republicans forget about their fight over Trump, and unite in their hatred of Hillary. He writes: 

On one of these list-serves I proposed the other day an idea for a Pact of Non-Recrimination that folks on both sides of the Trump divide could sign. The idea is that if Trump loses—some insist “when” not “if”—and the moment it is announced by the lying cheating news media, we point our rhetorical guns away from each other and toward her, toward the woman who will be the biggest enemy we have ever faced, toward a criminal enterprise that is intent on harming not just our country, and our Church, but us individually.

I would hope that maybe Mr. Ruse would give a thought to bringing the country together and not just the Republican Party. Alas. I fear that Ruse is right, however, that the day after the election, the only thing that will unite the GOP is their detestation of Clinton, and they will defer the lancing of the boil that they need. 

Finally, the pastor of Ss Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix let his parishioners know that if they vote for Clinton, they should not present themselves for Holy Communion. If you want to see a culture warrior in action, here is the video: 


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